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Friday, June 1, 2007
It is generally called a 'white discharge' or simply 'the whites'. In reality, leucorrhoea is a state where there is catarrhal discharge from the Vagina's mucous membranes. This is the most agonising disorder for the females and distorts their health. It may last a lifetime or prolong for sometime and then abate or may appear as and when her health is in poor state.
Leucorrheal Flow
• The discharge is often white, like white portion of an, eggor milk-colour, or else it may be off white, yellow, reddishor pinkish, green or light blue, but in most of the cases, it isodourless and white.
• Flow may stiffen the linen or simply leave back a trace ofwhite powder or scales.
• It may excoriate vulva and thighs and the itching caused issometime too intense and so much that blood oozes outfrom the site itched.
• Consistency of discharge varies-from water to consistencyof cream, milk, viscous fluid or even albuminous.
• In most cases discharge emanates from the uterine cavityor vagina. In catarrhal or idiopathic variety of leucorrhea,the discharge is in mild and liquid form but does not excoriateor irritale the parts. But, when it is dependant inflammationorganic lesions of uterus or its appendages the dischargedbecomes fetid, corrogive, acrid, browish or green.
• The discharge from the uterus is often from uterine cavity,more albuminous, thick, viscid, flocculant, and has anallkaline reaction, whereas vaginal discharge is alwaysacidic, thin, white, creamy and milky.
• Leucorrhoeal discharge is more profuse and copious at thetime of menses than at any other time but in some ladies, itcontinuously goes on, though quantity of discharge varies.
Effects of Leucorrhoea
• If the discharge is copious and continues for a much longerperiod, there could be heaviness in the epigastrium andpain. There is also capricious hunger, nausea and vomiting,fainting spells, desire for those things which have no relationto the malady; digestion is difficult and slow; vertigo,headache; slow motion and general lathargy, pain particularlyin shoulderblades and generally in all the limbs; face is pale,livid, skin is discoloured and dull.
• When the leucorrhoeal discharge continues for a fairly longperiod, the patient feels exhausted even on any attempt toslight exertion. She grows weak and then, palpitation andbreathlessness, dull and vacant looks, margin of eyessurrounded by black rings, all intellectual faculties areweakened, face is bloated.
posted by DSLR MASTER @ 5:28 AM 0 Comments
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