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MATSYA ASANA (The Fish Posture)


Matsya Asana

Matey a Asana (Second Variation)

• Sit in Padma Asana. (Picture 63)
• Gradually bend backwards and lie on the back.
• Do not raise the knees locked up in Padma Asana. Rest the elbows on the floor.
• Then bend the head backwards and make an arch form by bending the backbone.
• After bending the backbone in an arch, rest the head on the floor.
• For making a bigger arch exert more pull on the thighs and more twist on the
neck and back. But do not strain to achieve.
• After making an arch of the body, stay in this position for ten to fifteen seconds.
(Picture 23)
• An advanced way of doing this Asana is to bring the right hand below the body
to the opposite side and catch the right big toe.
• Similarly the left hand should be brought below near the hip to catch the left big
toe. (Picture 24)

Synchronisation of Breath

Maintain normal breathing.


1.Activates the spine and all muscles of the back.
2.Gives massage effect to facial tissues and face wrinkles disappear, thereby ensuring a youthful look.
a Removes stiffness of the neck and back and brings flexibility to the whole upper area of the body.
3.As the chest is thrown open, deep breathing is possible. Helps to remove spasm from bronchial tubes and thereby relieves asthma.
4.Backward pressure of the head causes a brisk flow of blood to all areas of the neck.
5.An excellent Asana for colds and purulent tonsils.
6.Thyroids and parathyroids receive lot of blood.
a Gives strength to the waist, back and neck.
7.Tones up pituitary and pineal glands that are located in the brain.
8.Eliminates constipation and massages abdominal organs.
9.Good for women as it stimulates pelvic organs, especially genital ones and the
ovaries in particular.
10.roadens the chest, corrects a hunchback and thereby ensures body symmetry.
11.Good for wrestlers in preventing defeat by pin fall.
12.Reduces fat from buttocks and stomach.
13. Imparts lightness and activity to the body as a whole.
14.Useful for abdominal illness.
15.Helps diabetics by improving general metabolism.
16.Relieves inflamed and bleeding piles.

Activates the Subconscious Mind

Since this Asana ensures varied benefits one should mentally repeat any statement suited to his needs.


Suitable for all.

