Obesity Causes
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
Obesity Causes
A few decades back, obesity was a rare occurrence. It is no more so. At one lime people identified obesity as the cause for some underlying physical disorder or mental disability. So they sought to conlrol excess weight. But later obesity by and large came to be viewed and specified as being the symbol of good health or good personality. Remarks like "How healthy he looks !" "What a personality he has !" are not uncommon. Even in families where no one is obese, we find children who are either obese from childhood or become obese a few years later.
Some still equate obesity with perfect health. If one loses a few pounds of excess weight, people lament often about how good his health was some days ago and how weak he looked after losing weight. Nevertheless today many people are well in¬formed through various health columns, articles and news items published in periodicals and papers about why obesity is not desirable and why one should control excess weight. People now realise that obesity causes a variety of disorders some of which cou!d prove life threatening.
Discrimination of sex
Obesity also affects youngsters who have reached marriageable age. They find difficulty in getting married, as most suitors dislike to get saddled with an obese partner { especially girls }. An overweight male is viewed to be a majestic personality who commands respect and even fear in some cases. However, in case of females they are ridiculed, rejected in marriage alliances and even despised in some cases. This is one of the many reasons why women are more figure conscious than men, always seeking various devices and health programmes to reduce their weight. Some women who are highly sensitive to sarcastic remarks about their figures, decide to even starve many a time in order to reduce weight. This is amply borne out by the innumerable advertisements appearing in matrimonial columns of newspapers and magazines seeking beautiful, attractive, slim girls. There are also several incidences of slim girls being rejected because they put on weight a few weeks after their engagement.
posted by DSLR MASTER @ 12:27 PM
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