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Bladder Infections

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Bladder Infections

Bladder infections are caused by microorganisms that colonize the bladder in susceptible patients. Bladder infections may have no apparent symptoms even though bacteria can be cultured from the urine. Symptoms may also occur with no apparent infection.


The most common symptoms are urgent desire to urinate, frequent urination, bladder pain, low back pain, and burning pain before, during or after urination. Bladder infections occur most commonly in women following sexual intercourse, especially with a new partner. Bladder infections can also occur after waiting too long without urinating or going too long without drinking liquids. Catheterization is a common source of bladder infections in hospitals and nursing homes. Bladder infections often come on with sudden severity, but can progress gradually.


There is risk of bladder infections ascending up the ureter to cause acute pyelonephritis, a serious infection of the kidneys. Pain along the sides of the mid-back along with urinary frequency, urgency, and pain is indicative of a kidney infection and requires immediate treatment.


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