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Complications triggered by body of over weight

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Complications triggered by body of over weight

1, Diabetes Mellitus

2. High Blood Pressure3 Arterio-sclerosis

4. Respiratory problems like breathlessness (dyspnoea) oreffort-onset dyspnoea.

5. Early exhaustion and panting even on minimal movement /exertion / effort.

6. Pains and aches in bones, bone-joints, muscles, paving theway for arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatism, arthritisdeformans, rheumatoid arthritis etc.

7. Acidity, flatulence, colic, constipation or diarrhoea, and otherdigestion-related disorders.

If we closely look at the information provided above, it is quite easy to conclude that:

(i) Diet

(ii) Exercise or Activity
Are the foremost causatives of overweight but there are still glaring instances when:

• Someone doesn't eat much but is still on the obese side.

• A person may eat more, as a matter of habit, but may not
be obese and lead an active life.

• A frail and scarcely built person also may have physicalproblems, in spite of good food and physical activity.

• Those who eat more are not necessarily overweight andthose who eat far less till gain weight.

All the said variable situations do point to one factor, that is eating does not seem to have much relation to overweight but, conversely, it also cannot be denied, on the basis of statistics available, (hat excessive and frequent intake of food is still coasidered to be the biggest monster in causing obesity.

Causes of Overweight

This aspect is a ticklish problem, like a crossword puzzle, due to many hypothesis and variant views expressed in this regard. But, there are still some factors over which most of dieticians and doctors agree. Following factors may contribute to excess body fat, leading to overweight and resultant obesity:

1. Overeating
2. Lack of physical activity
3. Excessive intake of carbohydrates and fats
4. Age factor
5. Endocrine glands malfunctioning
6. Heredity


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