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Naturopathy—To Reduce Weight

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Naturopathy—To Reduce Weight

According to this therapy, food, wrong (food) eating habits, eating every time not giving rest to digestive organs, overloading stomach with frequent and unwanted food items, constipation, lack or absence of sweating, interrupted urinary flow, vitiation of three humours, improper and inadequate rest or dietary habits, use of health damaging items like alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, intoxicants and drugs, excessive use of spicy, fatty, condiments foods which have bulk or roughage. Unbalanced and nulritionless food etc. are the major causes of various types of disorders, out of which obesity and its offshoot disorders form major diseases we normally suffer from.

Naturopathy aims at excretion of toxins and waste matters from our body through fasting, enema, by inducing perspiration, regulating bowels and urinary flow. Even Ayurveda subscribes to all the said methods when it apologises efficacy of fasting, purging, catharsis, purification (shodhan), sweating (swedana) etc. All such devices are supplementary to the leading curative method, by whichever name we may call it.

Since our main subject is obesity, I will confine myself only to the methods which help to purge the body, normalises breathing and circulatory and cardiac efficiency, promotes and facilitates free flow of urine, expulsion of facial matter (stools), induce sweating, keep up mobility of limbs and, above, all general maintenance of health. Following methods/techniques are generally applied to gain

the aforesaid advantages, viz.:

1. Enema
2. Hip Bath
3. Sun-Bath
4. Fasting
5. Massage
6. Fruit and Vegetable therapy
7. Hot Foot-bath
8. Steam-bath


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