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Yoga and Religion

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Yoga and Religion

Yoga is not a religion but just a science expounding certain methods and techniques for all-round development of the personality. Therefore, what is required in Yoga is not faith in a particular religion but practise with conviction.

Yoga is very well known as one of the six orthodox systems of Indian philosophy. It was specially evolved by Hindu saints and monks. However, it has nothing to do with any religious doctrines or dogmas. It is primarily concerned with the practise of some techniques and methods suited to develop the physical, mental and emotional faculties of man. Therefore, it should be viewed as a Science of Man dealing with disciplining the body, mind and emotion. It does not attempt to advocate the faith of any particular religion. There are various branches of science dealing with different aspects of man such as physiology, sociology etc. We do not make any demarcation of these sciences, viz., Hindu physiology, Christian anatomy and Muslim psychology. Similarly, there is no question of Hindu Yoga or Christian Yoga.

Unfortunately, some devout Christians, particularly Catholics, are often opposed to the very word 'Yoga', thinking it is one of the doctrines of Hinduism. They are apprehensive that the practise of Yoga is against Christian faith. In his book Christian Yoga, Rev. Fr. J.M. Dechanet, O.S.B., a veteran Catholic priest, explained how the techniques of Yoga would enhance Christian life to a considerable extent. He said: "Every day the exercises, and indeed the whole ascetic discipline of Yoga, make it easier for the grace of Christ to flow in me. I feel my hunger for God growing and my thirst for righteousness, and my desire to be a Christian in the full strength of the word - to be for Christ, to be of Christ, without any half-measures or reservations... There shall be no compromise; but only borrowing of methods to be adopted immediately and introduced into an ascetic discipline authentically Christian in tenor and spirit."

He further narrated his initial experiences with Yoga in the following words:

"What I then read about Yoga and about some of its aims simply encouraged me to embark on, and then go through zvith, an experiment about the appropriateness of which I became convinced at the very first attempt. Yoga, I found, rvas first of all a particular way of fashioning oneself, the way of the man who by means of certain disciplines, both physiological (postures and breath-control) and psychical (focussing of thought), was joined; that is to say, in a condition of coherence in accordance with vital functions, and in a state of balance such that life could be controlled and made effective, Tfiis is therefore the opposite of fragmented living, of naive incoherence, impotence and unawareness... On the physical plane, the problems of general health disappeared; I no longer suffered from those fits of tiredness and temperature that pointed clearly to oi'erwork. I found myself possessed of an extremely supple body, ready to serve me and the life of the spirit..."

After the publication of this book, the outlook of the Christian community underwent a thorough change regarding Yoga. Many Catholic priests and nuns started showing keen interest in Yoga. I had several opportunities to conduct Yoga courses exclusively for these people all over the world.My personal experience is almost identical with that of Fr. Dechanet. Consistent practise of Yoga has brought tremendous improvement in my health, as mentioned earlier. Considerable change has also occurred in my behavioural pattern. A calm and serene feeling has set within me permanently and I do not feel inclined to even get angry with anybody for anything. I certainly feel that it is possible for me to love my enemies. And I sincerely feel that regular practise of Yoga has enabled me to lead a better Christian life. All sincere and regular practitioners of Yoga can have the same experience


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