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Friday, June 1, 2007
It is a gateway to bliss and health. It not only purifies the body, it also purifies the man. In a way, it tones up, fortifies, purifies and sublimates body and mind. It takes away animal insights and inculcates higher values and laudable habits. To say that fasting is simply a way to starve the body is merely an attempt to under estimate it. Its importance lies in the fact that most, if not all, of the holy books laid stress on fasting and rightly iddised it as a gateway to heaven. Fast should never be implied to mean that it is simply a way to abstain from food rattier to set in order all imprudent use of foods, besides removing acidity, gas, and flatulence. It corrects and tones up entire digestive system. In fasting, balance in body juices is moderated, improved, various mechanisms that produce blood, bones and flesh are totally corrected/overhauled, and cleansed, chemical balances brought under normal functioning. It also is a great purger of toxic elements, a great cleanser of filth, normalises and restorer of health, renders body agile and light. Moreover, our tired and overtaxed body and organs do get a well deserved rest. During the first two or three days, there may be felt some uneasiness, but regular practice will take away such element(s). It is said that -
"Whosoever fasts is blessed in every way as he draws the benefit of great medicines. All the diseases are cured and he becomes strong and virile".
Who Should not Fast
Following categories of persons should abstain from fasting process.
1. Pregnant and confined mothers before, during and after delivery and, more particularly, who are anaemic, emaciated,and run-down and can't afford well balanced and nutritious food.
2. Mothers who are breast - feeding their infants.
3. Persons suffering from T.B., epilepsy, ulcers, labourersdoing arduous manual work.
4. Persons during the course of actual travelling.
5. Old persons who are bed-ridden, unable to move, havestiff and immobile organs and eat far less than their actualrequirement—in a way, the under and malnourished ones.
6. Weak, emaciated and starved children who are in theirgrowth stage and also ladies belonging to that category.
7. Those who utilise fasting as a ploy for overeating and whoindulge in dietary indiscretions.
8. Persons suffering from low blood pressure and low sugarlevels in their blood.
Who should take to fasting
Persons whose condition and health state are reverse to the above persons can keep fasts. Following persons should take to fasting either completely, for the whole week, on all alternate days or, at least once a week or fortnight, depending upon necessity and urgency.
1. Persons who often overeat are gluttons.
2. Whose bowels are either impacted or often get loosemotions.
3. Who suffer from dysentery, diarrhoea, colic, locking up ofgas, rigidity of joints and other limbs.
4. Diabetics whose blood sugar level is generally high.
5. Habitual drunkards of alcoholic drinks, smokers, fast foodeaters, obese and sedentary persons who eat too much butshun physical activity.
6. Children who are easy-going, relish foods prepared outsidetheir homes.
posted by DSLR MASTER @ 5:10 AM 0 Comments
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