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Common diseases

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A condition in which the amount of bone mass decreases to the point where the bones are fragile and easily fractured, affecting twice as many women as men. Women are particularly risk from the osteoporosis as they have a lower density of bone, because of smaller body size than men. The risk increases those who have a premature menopause, early hysterectomy, previous anorexia nervosa etc. Also women who smoke or drink excessively are at the greater risk. Weight-bearing exercise , a diet rich in calcium, Vitamin D and other minerals, and not smoking can help to prevent bone loss. Hormone replacement therapy is the most effective preventive treatment but is not suitable for all women. Physiotherapy and acupunture can help to relieve pain. Osteoporosis can be detected by doing Bone Density Test

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

It is an inflammation of the Fallopian Tubes, ovaries and Uterus. The disease can be acute or chronic. Acute PID causes severe abdominal pains, high fever , chills, foul-smelling vaginal discharge and abdominal tenderness. PID is a result of bacterial infection, but chlamydia and Gonorrhoea are responsible for mini cases. Treatment is by means of antibiotics and bed rest. The condition usually improve within two weeks. But if not, another antibiotics is given. If 3 courses of antibiotics do not clear the infection, then the disease is deemed to have become chronic, Chronic PID results in a low level of infection that can continue for weeks or months.
Symptoms are persistent abdominal pain or cramps, fatigue, weakness and very heavy menstrual periods. Some mild cases have few or no symptoms but can cause partial or total infertility.


It is an extremely common venereal or sexually transmitted disease, that is caused by the bacterium Neissera-gonorrhoeae. The bacteria are found in the Mucous Membrances of the Vagina, Urethra, throat and mouth. If gonorrhoea is not treated it can damage and inflame the Fallopian Tubes and other pelvic organs, and this can arise after only 8-10 weeks. Other possible damage includes eye infection that can cause blindness, septicaemia (blood poisoning), Gonococcal Arthritis, it may occur in conjunction with a painful skin rash and inflammation of heart valves. Symptoms of gonorrheoa include vaginal discharge (green or yellow in colour), Dysuria, possible inflammation of the rectum and a sore throat . To diagnose the disease, swabs of the discharge are obtained and organisms grown are identified in the laboratory. Treatment is by a single , very large dose of penicillin, or tetracycline if the organisms is resistant to penicillin.

Mastitis inflammation of the breast

It occurs usually because of bacterial infection during breast feeding. Symptoms include, pain in the affected breast, tenderness, swelling, fever and possibly a chill. Treatment with warm compress and antibiotics normally resolves the condition. If the inflammation does not subside then a breast abscess may form.


It is menstruation with abnormally heavy or prolonged blood flow. This may be frequent periods, one that continuous for 7 days or more, or one with exceptionally heavy flow over two to three days. Menorrhagia can occur because of fibroids, inflammation in the pelvic cavity, an Intrauterine device (IUD) or hormonal imbalance.
The bleeding can cause anaemia with pallor fatigue, which can be treated with iron supplements. Treatment depends on the cause and may include a D and C, the combined contraceptive pill, removal of an IUD, or danazol, a drug that inhibits the hormones produced by the pituitary gland.


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