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Advantages of Physical activity

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Advantages of Physical activity

1. Helps to keep digestive system in functional condition.

2. Tones up circulation of blood.

3. Maintains flexibility of body.

4. Improves cardiac rhythm and output.

5. Helps in normal respiration.

6. Energies blood vessels and doesn't allow cholesterol deposittherein.

7. Improves skin condition, improves complexion, opens uppores of the skin and lets out toxins through sweating
8. Removes constipation and improves peristaltic action ofintestines, rectum and anus.
9. Doesn't allow muscles and joints to become rigid.

10. Dispels pains and aches in body organs, by feeding themwith fresh body supply.

11. Tones up nervous system.

12. Doesn't allow extra fat to accumulate.

Ways to Maintain Physical Activity

• Daily morning walk and stroll after taking dinner.

• Attending to calls of nature, taking bath, maintaining a highstandard of personal hygiene.

• Performing Pranayama and Yogasanas.« Aerobic exercise or Push-up exercises.

• , Maintaining regularity in daily chores and doing job-related
work. « Not sticking to one posture for longer period.

• Cycling, running, gymnastic exercises.

• Playing games, like badminton, tennis, football, hockey,cricket, kho-kho, kabaddi, swimming, table tennis, jumping,skipping etc.

Remember, playing cards, chess, carrom board, video games, watching TV / Movies, reading newspapers, gossiping, sitting idle for hours together, doing desk-work etc. do not form part of physical activity. In fact these help to add weight to body, hence these are impediments to healthy living and are not only injurious to health but an open invitation to host of diseases which could have been averted, if a person starts doing anyone of the exercise patterns described above.

Hazards of Inactivity

(i) Disturbed digestion.

(11) Cardiac or Pulmonary dyspnoea.

(iii) Blood Pressure, headache, aching in eyes, and tiredness thereof.

(iv) Rough skin with foul-smelling perspiration or even total / partial absence of perspiration.

(v) Pain and stiffness in neck, shoulders, arms, hands, upper and lower back, hip-joint, knees, legs and feet.

(vi) Even minimal efforts brings on fatigue, soreness, lethargy and there is total dis-inclination even to moderate activity.

(vii) General weakness, rundown condition, apathy, indifference, agitated behaviour, easy proneness to infection.

(viii) Low physical resistance and body's defence mechanism is thrown to shambles.

(ix) Nerves, muscles and bones cry for nutritional supplementation.


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