Homeopathic Medicines

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Homeopathic Medicines


It is the most famous homeopathic medicine. Famous serologist of U.S.A. Dr. Nash M.D. says that if taken in proper dose this drug not only makes youth robust filled with abundant semen, it even revitalize the sexual potency of the old persons. The effect of the medicine is not temporary but permanent one, hence it should be administered in fixed intervals of time. This medicine is available in various potencies, from 200 to 10000 or even of one lakh potency. The higher the potency the better would be the results. But it is advisable that these medicines should be taken after proper medical advice. Or else they create quite serious complications. This medicine is especially recommended for those strayed youth who ruin their sexual potency by constant use of their male organ. In fact his medicine should be taken by increasing its potency gradually. The medicine of 200 potency should be given on empty stomach to the patient and the next dose of higher potency after one full week. The same way the potency should be increased from 1000 to the dose of the desired potency when the affliction is cured.

Phosphoric Acid

It is also a wonder homoeopathic drug to cure sexual weakness. The constant malpractice result in the patient's face becoming pale and sallow, eyes sunken in the sockets and constant complaints of pain in the waist. The afflicted person's semen also becomes very thin and often passes out with urine while passing stool. This medicine is also good for those patients afflicted with diabetes. It not only enhances the physical power of the patient but makes him very strong mentally also. This medicine is to be administered mixed with three to five drops of mother tincture diluted with 25 to 30 gms. of water. Ask the patient to have the medicine before taking his meal. Phosphoric acid is a powerful drug and should not be administered on empty stomach.


The cautious use of this celebrated medicine administered mixed with five to six drops of mother tincture is an unfailing remedy for all the sexual weakness. A timid listless boy turns into a robust man by the use of this medicine. It not only strengthens the user's body but increases the efficiency of his mental faculties.


All these medicines are to be taken after proper medical advice. Don't rush to take them without consulting some good homoeopathic physician. Other good remedies are caladium, conium, staphysagria, and selenium.


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