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Ayurvedic Treatment

If cough is caused due to Vaata (wind) vitiation, give Panchamrita RasATaalishaadi Choorna/Amritarnava Rasa 200 mg thrice daily with honey. Anyone of the medicin
es will help in expectoration of sputum. But first of all remove constipation.
When cough is caused due to vitiation of bile, pitta Kasantak Ras/Singhyadi Vati (dose-100mg/200mg/1 tsp respectively) may be taken, but no medicine should be mixed, rather taken independently. If Praval Pishthi or Praval Bhasma is also added to any one of the above compositions (dose 400 mg to 1 gm), it will still be more beneficial. It will modify ill effects of bile, phlegm and heat also.

For cough, aggravated by phlegm vitiation, it is necessary to control expectoration. Give Kasa Kuthar Ras (100 mg) with milk, which has been fortified with Panchkole, Swachhand Bhairav Ras (200 mg) with honey; Shringa Bhasma/Krishnaabhra Bhasam/Ras Sindoor/Tankan Bhasm (50- lOOmg) may also be mixed with above-mentioned medicines.

Vasarishta/Pippalyasava/Kankasava (5-10 ml with water) may be given after each meal.

In tubercular cough Agastya Haritaki (5-10 ml in water) with goat's milk is quite beneficial. Laxmi vilas ras can also be used with medicines suggested under phlegmatic cough.

Light food, fresh air, airy and ventilated house, goat's milk, dried dates boiled in milk, fruit juice of non-citrus fruits, avoid all throat irritants, cold water, smoking, coitus, excessive exertion, or any exercise that causes dyspnoea/panting.


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