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The incidents of prematurity are increasing day by day, throughout the world. Although for the most part the cause is unknown, there are a few obvious reasons for prematurity


Cervical incompetence

This probably is the only condition which is avoidable. But, until it has occurred once, there is no way of predicting and so preventing it. In this, the cervix is too weak to stay closed for the duration, generally giving way in the latter weeks of the second trimester. The incidence is higher in women who have had abortions.

Multiple pregnancies

Women who are carrying two or more babies are predisposed to premature birth, commonly occurring between 30 and 34 weeks.

Foetal abnormality


If an abnormality is detected by screening methods, such as ultrasound or amniocentesis. It may alert your doctor to the possibility of pre-term labour occurring.

Induction and caesarean section

Certain conditions, including pre-eclampsia and antepartum haemmorhage. Sometimes call for induction or caesarean, to save the lives of mother and/ or baby. Likewise, pre-existing maternal conditions, such as diabetes, epilepsy and kidney diseases, or serious illness may indicate intervention in the pregnancy.



This rare condition, in which there is an excess of amniotic fluid, is most likely to occur where the uterus is carrying identical twins, although occasionally it is associated with diabetes,

Uterine abnormalities

Usually large fibroids muscle tumours in the uterine wall are the rare cause of pre-term labour. A congential abnormality in the size or shape of the uterus may prevent it from carrying a foetus for the full term.

Maternal age

Mother under the age of 20 years may have a predisposition to premature labour

Hereditary factors

If your mother delivered her baby prematurely, there is a slight chance that you will have inherited this trait.



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