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Thursday, January 31, 2008
HAL ASANA (The Plough Posture)
• Lie flat on the back full length.
• Place arms on both sides of the floor, palms facing the ground.
• Join both legs and lift them up slowly as you inhale. Do not bend your legs.
• Slowly raise the hips and lumbar region of the back.
• Lower the legs until the toes touch the floor beyond the head.
• Keep legs straight.
• Relax the body and remain in the final posture for a comfortable period of time.
(Picture 25)
Another variation of this posture is to stretch both the hands behind the back. (Posture 26)
Hal Asana
HalAsana (Another Variation)
Synchronisation of Breath
• Inhale when raising the legs.
• Exhale when lowering legs to the floor,
• Ensure normal breathing in the final posture.
According to Tantra Yoga, this Asana is one of the best to hone sexual powers. It invigorates and nourishes all sexual glands and thereby improves sexual potential to a considerable extent. It also corrects impotence, frigidity and lack of sexual powers.
Activates functioning of abdominal organs, especially the kidneys and pancreas.
Eliminates constipation, cures dyspepsia and improves digestion. J Regulates activities of the thyroid and ensures agility and energy.
The spine receives an extra supply of blood due to the forward bend and this relieves backache.
Improves blood circulation in the brain, thereby contributing to intelligence, alertness and good memory.
Cures certain types of diabetes as it helps to improve secretion of all glands in the abdomen.
Corrects menstrual disorders in women.
Prevents early ossification of vertebral bones.
Cures enlargement of liver and spleen.
Activates abdominal and rectal muscles as well as the thighs.
Reduces fat from all parts of the body, especially the waist. Makes the body lighter and more active.
Reduces muscular tension.
Cures gastric and other stomach troubles.
Eliminates piles.
Reduces tendency towards high blood pressure.
Activate the Subconscious Mind
The benefits derived from this Asana are varied, so the practitioner may pick any benefit he would like to derive and concentrate on that particular aspect while performing this Asana. However, women suffering from frequent menstrual disorders may suggest to themselves that they are being cured of their menstrual problems after performing this Asana regularly. While doing this Asana, it is also good to suggest improvement in all sexual aspects.
Suitable for all.
Aged persons and those suffering from back pain and high blood pressure should not do this Asana.
posted by DSLR MASTER @ 6:09 AM